Not far from this world,
Not away from the crowd….
Let’s meet,
on an ordinary evening –
like any other ;
on the shore of Bay of Bengal!
The salty moist breezes of sea –
touching my face and hairs,
at times trying to settle –
on the glasses of my spectacles.
The frothy saline water of sea –
waving towards the shore,
occasionally touching my feet.
Sands beneath my feet –
playing the game of wet and dry;
and –
tiny snails running here n there,
like thousands of thoughts inside my head.
The blood moon rising up –
far from the horizon,
its rays dancing over the waves!
I sit there….. relax,
with my emotions resting on your shoulders;
the fragrance of my dreams –
reaching your soul,
like the aroma from hot coffee-
getting entangled with our senses!
And now –
that ordinary evening is….
turning slowly into a special one !
An Evening: From Ordinary to Special