
Have you ever tried
to decipher the memory card
of this universe?

Have you ever tried
to read the history,
that has been written down
on its canvas
along with the flow of time?

Is your answer a 'yes?'
Then have you ever realized that,
even the smallest of the particles,
each and every little moment
of that history remains there forever!

It floats in the air, in the ether.
It is told and retold through generations.
It is painted over the sky,
sometimes it stays
inside the soul of an ancient tree
or echoed through the remnants
of a dilapidated building,
hidden somewhere and long forgotten.

But it remains there anyway;
on the canvas of the universe.
You can never just rewrite it
as per your wish.

You can never change that truth,
deeply absorbed in the layers of this earth.
You may change some lines or words.
You may try to establish your lies as truth.
But the real history will still be there.
The truth will always prevail
against your whim.
It will come out
whenever the right time comes.
It can never ever be erased…

About Preeti Prajna Pradhan

Preeti Prajna Pradhan is a writer based in Bhubaneswar.

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